Unique Mechanical Nativity Scene
From 23 December 2024, you will find in front of the entrance to the palace a small wooden building whose shingle roof covers a hand-carved mechanical nativity scene with 254 figurines, many of which move.
This great mechanical nativity scene, 2 x 5 m in size, features 254 figurines, of which 93 move. The figurines were carved from linden wood more than 20 years ago by the carver Josef Fiala of Chomutov. The carved figurines depict the world of the so-called First Czechoslovak Republic.
The mechanical nativity scene will be in operation every day including weekends from 10 am to 5 pm, except in very bad weather (for instance, heavy snow or rain). It can be seen to approximately the end of January.
Zámek 1, Vrchlabí