Old friends in Vrchlabí

Hidden Stories – Old friends

4.2 km
1.5 hrs

In this outdoor quest the time machine will take you back to the early 1930s. Viktor Kugler, a native of our town, lives in Holland but comes to Vrchlabí to help a friend from his youth. While the mobile application navigates you through the game, you and your children work on changing the course of history.

Viktor Kugler moved to Holland after the First World War, where he works in a company run by Otto Frank. Every year he and his two friends from Vrchlabí take a trip around Europe, but this year it looks like neither of them will be going. Viktor has no idea why. Help him find out what is threatening their friendship.

Viktor Kugler was born on 6 June 1900 in Vrchlabí to seamstress Emilia Kugler. His life's journey took him to Holland, where he became one of the key people supporting the hidden Jewish Frank family during World War II. He was also imprisoned after their exposure. In the world-famous Diary of Anne Frank, he is depicted as Harry Kraler. For his bravery, he was awarded Israel's high distinction of Righteous Among the Nations. He died on December 14, 1981 in Canada.

This outdoor quest is designed mainly for families with children over 5 years of age, but the charm lies in the fact that it will entertain adults, too. It happens in the town, starting at Square Míru. Eight stops pass through Hořejší Vrchlabí, the oldest part of the city. The route will take you around the Elbe River to the forge and along the other bank back to the town centre to the house where Viktor Kugler was born.

The walk is 4.2 km in length and you only need comfortable shoes and a Smartphone with the application called Hidden Treasures, which can be downloaded free from Google Play or iTunes. The application will guide you and show your position. The nativ Kugler’s story will be presented at each stopover. You can download the data pack with the map and audio at home, so you don’t need mobile data during the quest.

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