News from cross-country tracks and ski resorts

Vejsplachy in Vrchlabí - cross-country skiing area

Information about the operation of ski resorts in Vrchlabí and the condition of ski tracks in Vejsplachy and its surroundings.

Cross-country ski tracks

In the Vejsplachy area, there is a track with artificial snow for classic and skating with a length of about 4 km. Night skiing until 7 pm. Parking is charged, payment at the machine. It is possible to buy a season pass at the ticket office.

Attention – on the weekend of 28. 2. – 2. 3. will be held in Vejsplasy the biathlon championship for youth. The courses will be closed to the public on that date!

  • Ski area Vejsplachy – groomed – 4 km 
  • Trails at Knezice – 3 km – groomed
  • Trails Vejsplacha behind the brook – 3 km – not groomed
  • Tracks at Kačák – 2 km – not groomed
  • Circuit to Horní Branná – 3 km – not groomed 
  • Circuit to Valteřice – approx. 4 km – not groomed
  • Tracks around the airport and behind the city park to Lánov – not groomed
  • Large circuit through Valterřice towards Kněžice and back to Vrchlabí – approx. 12 km – not groomed
  • Connection to Dolní Branná – 6 km – not groomed

More information on the website: Cross-country skiing to Vejsplach, or on Facebook
For the latest trail adjustments, visit or
You can watch the traffic on the trails in Vejsplach on the webcam.

Everything important you should know about cross-country skiing trails in Vrchlabi

Downhill skiing

Ski Resort Herlíkovice - Bubákov - in operation

Ski resort Kněžický vrch - in operation

Ski resort Kněžický vrch - Kebrlák - in operation

More detailed information about Vrchlabí ski resorts